International Skilled Worker Category

The International Skilled Worker Category is for skilled workers who wish to live and work in Saskatchewan.

The International Skilled Worker Category consists of three pathways:

Employment Offer

This sub-category is for skilled workers who have a job offer from a Saskatchewan employer.

Occupations In Demand

This sub-category is for highly skilled workers with experience in an in-demand occupation in Saskatchewan, who do not yet have a job offer in the province.

Saskatchewan Express Entry

This sub-category is for candidates already in the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's (IRCC) Express Entry pool and have skilled work experience in an in-demand occupation in Saskatchewan.

How it works

Saskatchewan uses an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand sub-categories.

You must first register your EOI on the SINP Apply Online portal, where you will be asked to fill out a form. Answers on the form will be used to assess your eligibility.

To enter the EOI pool, you must score a minimum of 60 out of 110 points in the EOI Points Grid. The EOI Points Grid assesses you based on five factors: education and training, skilled work experience, language ability, age and connections to the Saskatchewan labour market and adaptability.

If you’re selected, you will receive an invitation to apply during an EOI draw.

At this point, you can apply for a provincial nomination from the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). You can do this through the same portal.

If you have a job offer and you’re applying through the Employment Offer sub-category, you can apply directly without needing to register an EOI.

After your application is approved, you can then apply for permanent residence directly to IRCC. If you’re applying through the Express Entry sub-category, Saskatchewan will enter the details of your nomination into the system. This means you will get an extra 600 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points, which will effectively guarantee receiving an invitation to apply for permanent residence in the next Express Entry draw.

Eligibility Requirements
  • Have proof of legal status, if currently residing in Canada;
  • Score a minimum of 60 points out of 110 on the point assessment grid.
Sub-CategoryIs a job offer required?Additional Requirements

Employment Offer


  • Meet language requirements (CLB 4)
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer for an eligible job, and meet licensure requirements if necessary
  • Have at least one year of paid work experience in the past ten years in the intended occupation;
Occupations In Demand


  • Meet language requirements (CLB 4)
  • Have completed at least one year of post-secondary education or training,
  • Have a minimum level of work experience related to your field of education or training, in an in-demand skilled occupation.
  • Get proof of Professional Status or Licensure if required by Saskatchewan;
  • Have enough money to settle in the province and have a settlement plan.
Saskatchewan Express EntryNo
  • Be in the Express Entry pool and have an Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code;
  • Meet language requirements
  • Have at least one year of post-secondary education or training
  • Have a minimum level of work experience related to your field of education or training in an in-demand skilled occupation
  • Get proof of Professional Status or Licensure if required by the SINP.
  • Have a certificate of qualification in your skilled trade, if your work experience is in a skilled trade;
  • Have enough money to settle in the province and have a settlement plan.